April 20, 2008

The Blog is Biased

I try to be honest when I'm writing my blog, but I can think of two areas where it's next to impossible not to fail miserably.

1.) Selfishness. I admit, I'm a fairly selfish person. Who isn't? But I can't help but think I come off as more so on my blog. And actually, it's out of respect for others. If I want to put choice segments of my life on cyberspace for everyone to read, that's alright and fine. But the moment I involve other people, and I find myself hesitating even to write good news. You see on the news all the time where people get hurt or angry or whatever about other people talking about them online, sort of forgetting that everyone can see it. It's safer just to write mostly about yourself.

2.) Angst Fest and Randomness - When I have the most time to blog, I have the least to blog about. Thus many of the more random posts. When I have things to blog about, I tend to have less time. Thus many of the posts which are basically lists of everything that's eating my soul. And somehow you have more time to write about discontent. It's the same reason few people fill out the 'restaurant experience surveys' unless they've had a wretched time, I imagine. :P

Today, for example. All the spring flowers are in bloom and the colours are magnificent. I'm not even having bad allergies now, due to a late frost. A few deer were in our backyard, which was fun. I had some fun with Lucia at the Washu library despite the stress and discomfort of it all. And on the way home, listening to Il Divo, the last rays of sunlight made the tender green leaves seem like the most beautiful things in the world.

But who writes about things like that? :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I write about those things too :) They make me feel inexplicably content.

Also, have you seen the official boyzvoice video for Spy Me at Noon? It is not so funny, but totally official.