Knowledge enriches those who receive without impoverishing those who give. Anyway::
Hello and Good Day!
I would like to learn Slovak (also Spanish).
My name is Khalid from LIbya.
I wonder how we say "this is me" not "this is i" thoigh it is unaccepable.
I love languages. I speak Arabic and English and I am interested to learn Italian and French.
I like to meet people from all over the world.
meeting people and social communication are good and helpful means to improve ones, language. Do you agree?
Ya'll be trippin', yo! If da think da man will let dis thing go down, you're in need of a hona-hona in yo crib!
You-Japanese, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish; I - Hebrew, Russian, English
I will be happy to teach you Hebrew, Russian or English (I'm a professional English teacher, the author of an English grammar manual), if you can help me with Japanese, Swedish, Finnish or Norwegian (beginner's level).
you can contact me at:
Ewet Hati, saolasan, bende sana bir yeni çay hazırladım, oradadır, git bak
hemde ewet benim kardeşlerim var bir tanede bacım var!
Benden sonraki kişi evlenmek zorundadır!
En aquest joc practicarem el participi d'un verb i el seu gerundi.
Per exemple:
parlar - to speak
participi: parlat
gerundi: parlant
Una vegada que hàgiu escrit el participi i el gerundi heu de proposar un altre verb
Ok, començo doncs.
El meu verb és: jugar - to play
명지[明智] <명사> 밝은 지혜.
ok, next word : 다람쥐 - Daramajwee - a squirrel ^^
so the next syllable is 쥐
ps. i'm enjoying this game..
Indonesisch lernen
Hast du Lust Indonesicsch zu lernen?
Ich kann dir Indonesisch beibringen. Wir können skype benutzen, so dass du die Ausprache lernen kannst. Falls du Interesse hast, melde dich bei mir.
Viele Grüße
Answer a question with a question!!! - just make question and next perso (380 replies) | MISCELLANEOUS | Mahmud | 3 Feb 07 | |
Hangman - På Svenska! (231 replies) | SWEDISH | Tiger | 4 Feb 07 | |
Gender Game - Feminine, Masculine, or Neuter? (226 replies) | GERMAN | Tiger | 16 Jan 07 | |
ETWAS - ein spaßiges Spiel (94 replies) | GERMAN | Mariam87 | 30 Jan 07 | |
The Slavic Café - Let us be better than the romance guys! :P (94 replies) | MISCELLANEOUS | Ania | 29 Jan 07 | |
korean word chain with any words - (83 replies) | KOREAN | edwoodseo | 17 Jan 07 | |
Guess the Language! :-) - Guess the Language! :-) (75 replies) | ALL LANGUAGES | Colm | 11 Feb 07 | |
Association Game - What does this word remind you of? (75 replies) | NEPALI | Anya | 7 Jan 07 | |
JOC Nº14 - PARTICIPIS I GERUNDIS - (59 replies) | CATALAN | Goran | 10 Jan 07 | |
New Game !!! - Speak in hindi !!! (58 replies) |
1 comment:
I think I can talk- I already had an old injury flare up again, and hurt my knee. Plus, at Nationals, you're in the nice, cozy indoors. I've been outside in the wind all week, running up giant hills.
So I'm at least even.
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